CERM cooperates at the international levels with several universities and private industries with which it is involved in numerous research projects funded by the European Commission:

 W Bio W-BioCat - Heavy metal enzymes for sustainable industrial biocatalysis. (HORIZON-EIC-2023-PATHFINDEROPEN-01 grant agreement n. 101129798 - 1/02/2024 - 31/01/2028)
MrLatvia MR LATVIA - Development of Magnetic Resonance in Latvia (HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02 Grant agreement n. 101160091  - 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2027)

FC-RELAX NMR relaxometry for biomedicine and advanced materials
A multidisciplinary doctoral network for field-cycling NMR relaxometry. (HORIZON-MSCA-DN-2021 grant agreement: 101072758 - 01/03/2023-28/02/2027)
 FHERITALE Logo Upscale V3 FHERITALE Food, Health and Environment Research Infrastructures to Tackle Emerging Priorities (HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01 Grant agreement ID: 101131588 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026)
Fragment Fragment-Screen: From fragments to high affinity binders interfacing integrated structural biology, medicinal chemistry
and artificial intelligence (HORIZON-INFRA-2022-TECH-01 grant agreement n. 101094131 - 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025)
Hires HIRES-MULTIDYN "Multiscale Dynamics with Ultrafast High-Resolution Relaxometry" (H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020 grant agreement n. 8996830 - 01/10/2020-30/09/2025)

logo PANACEA web version

PANACEA “A Pan-European Solid-State NMR Infrastructure for Chemistry-Enabling Access” (H2020-INFRAIA-2018-2020 grant agreement n. 101008500 - 01/09/2021-31/08/2025)
ISIDORe ISIDORe Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research (HORIZON-RIA grant agreement n. 101046133 - 01/02/2022 - 31/07/2025)
RemoteNMR Remote NMR (R-NMR): Moving NMR infrastructures to remote access capabilities (HORIZON-CSA grant agreement n. 101058595 - 01/07/202 2- 30/06/2025)

ITACA.SB: Potentiating the Italian Capacity for Structural Biology Services in Instruct-ERIC
National Recovery and Resilience Plan
Strengthening and creation of Research Infrastructures – Mission 4 – Investment line 3.1 (01/11/2022 - 30/04/2025)

CUP: B53C22001790006
Project Code: IR_0000009

 Glytunes ITN “GLYTUNES – A multidisciplinary training network for the bioinspired development of glycomimetics tuning the Siglec-Sialoglycan axis” (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 grant agreement n. 956758 - 01/03/2021 - 28/02/2025)


Closed Projects

BeYond-COVID (BY-COVID) (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-EMERGENCY-01 grant agreement n. 101046203 - 1/10/2021-30/09/2024)

iNEXT-Discovery - Structural Biology Research Infrastructures for Translational Research and Discovery (H2020-INFRAIA-2018-2020 grant agreement n. 871037 - 01/02/2020-31/07/2024)

EGI-ACE: Advanced Computing for EOSC (H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2020 grant agreement n. 101017567 - 01/01/2021-30/06/2023)

TRANSVAC2 - Improving and accellerating vaccine development in Europe (grant agreement N° 730964 01/05/2017 - 30/04/2023)

EOSC-Life "Providing an open collaborative space for digital biology in Europe" (H2020, contratto n. 824087, 01/03/2019-28/02/2023)

ITFoC  Information Technology: The Future of Cancer Treatment . Project funded by FLAG-ERA

TIMB3 “Twin to Illuminate Metals in Biology and Biocatalysis through Biospectroscopy” (H2020, contratto n. 810856, 01/09/2018-30/06/2022)

TRANSVAC-DS - “Design study for a european vaccine infrastructure” (H2020, contract n. 951668, 01/06/2020-31/05/2022)

SPIDIA4P - Standardisation and improvement of generic pre-analytical tools and procedures for in-vitro diagnostics (#733112). (01/01/2017-30/06/2021)

H2020-INFRADEV INSTRUCT ULTRA - Releasing the full potential of Instruct to expand and consolidate infrastructure services for integrated structural life science research (#731005, 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2020) 

H2020 EOSC-hub “Integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud” (contratto n. 777536, 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020)

“The Biogenesis of Iron-sulfur Proteins: from Cellular Biology to Molecular Aspects (FeSBioNet)” Cost Action CA15133 (H2020, 15/04/2016-14/10/2020)

Progetto di grande rilevanza "Italia-Argentina" - "Stabilità proteica all'interno della cellula come tallone d'Achille per contrastare la resistenza agli antibiotici"

H2020-INFRADEV CORBEL - COordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science Services (grant agreement n. 654248, 01/09/2015 - 31/05/2020)

H2020-INFRAIA iNEXT - Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-ray crystallography for translational research (grant agreement n. 653706, 01/09/2015 - 31/08/2019)

H2020-PHC Propag-ageing - The continuum between healthy ageing and idiopathic Parkinson Disease within a propagation perspective of inflammation and damage: the search for new diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic targets (grant agreement n. 634821 - 1/09/2015-31/08/2019)

H2020-EINFRA West-life - World-wide E-infrastructure for structural biology (grant agreement n. 675858, 1/11/2015 - 31/10/2018)

H2020-EINFRA  Phenomenal - A comprehensive and standardised e-infrastructure for analysing medical metabolic phenotype data (grant agreement n. 654241 - 1/09/2015 - 31/08/2018)

H2020-EINFRA Indigo-DataCloud -  INtegrating Distributed data Infrastructures for Global ExplOitation (grant agreement n. 653549, 01/04/2015 - 30/09/2017)

H2020-EINFRA EGI-Engage - Engaging the EGI Community towards an Open Science Commons (grant agreement n. 654142,  01/03/2015 - 31/08/2017)

Network for Initial Training (ITN) - Marie Curie Action pNMR - Pushing the Envelope of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Paramagnetic Systems. A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Approach (grant agreement n. 317127, 01/01/2013-21/12/2016)

IT Future of Medicine (ITFoM) - FET Flagship (Future and Emerging Technologies Flagship) Pilot phase (05/2011 - 04/2012)

COSMOS - Coordination of Standards in Metabolomics (grant agreement n. 312941, 01/10/2012-30/09/2015)

EUROHyperPOL - MPNS COST Action TD1103 - European Network for Hyperpolarization Physics and Methodology in NMR and MRI (28/10/2011-27/10/2015)

CHANCE - Low cost technologies and traditional ingredients for the production of affordable, nutritionally correct foods improving health in population groups at risk of poverty (Grant agreement n. 266331, 01/02/2015-31/07/2014)

Network for Initial Training (ITN) - Marie Curie Action - High resolution tools to understand the functional role of protein intrinsic disorder (IDPbyNMR) n. 264257

WW-NMR - "Word Wide NMR" grant agreement n. 247546 (01/05/2010-30/004/2014)

BioMedBridges - Building data bridges from biology to medicine in Europe n. 284209 (01/01/2012-31/12/2015)

WeNMR - Collaborative Project & Coordination - Support Action - A worldwide e-Infrastructure for NMR and structural biology (WeNMR) n. 261572

BioNMR - Collaborative Project & Coordination - Support Action - Bio-NMR n. 261863 NMR for Structural Biology (01/09/2010-31/08/2014)

East-NMR (I3) n. 228461 Enhancing Access and Services to East European users Towards an efficient and coordinated Pan-European pool of NMR capacities to enable global collaborative research & boost technological advancements

STREP - SPIDIA n. 222916 Standardisation and improvement of generic Pre-analytical tools and procedures for in vitro DIAgnostics

EPISODE - Exploiting the Potential of Structural Biology through NMR and  Associated Technologies. n. 229761

STREP - SFMET n. 201640 HGF/SF and MET in metastasis

Integrated Project - Bio-DNP n. 011721 Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for NMR in Structural Biology

Integrated Project - INSTRUCT n. 211252

e-NMR: Deploying and Unifying the NMR e-Infrastructure in Systems Biology. Grant agreement ID: 213010 

EU-NMR: European Network of Research Infrastructures for Providing Access and Technological Advancements in Bio-NMR. Grant agreement ID: 26145 

SPINE2 - Complexes: From Receptor to Gene: Structure of Complexes from Signalling Pathways linking Immunology, Neurobiology and Cancer. Grant agreement ID: 31220 

TEACH-SG Training for high volume, high value structural genomics methodologies. Grant agreement ID: 37198 

 EUROPREVALL The Prevalence, Cost and Basis of Food Allergy Across Europe.  Grant agreement ID: 514000

NMR-Life:  Focusing NMR on the Machinery of Life. Grant agreement ID: 18758 

UPMAN: Understanding protein misfolding and aggregation by NMR. Grant agreement ID: 512052

NANO4DRUGS  An Innovative Protein-Based Drug Delivery Device Using Fluorescent Diamond Nano-Particles. Grant agreement ID: 19102

NDDP NMR tools for drug design validated on phosphatases. Grant agreement ID: 512077 

BIOINORGANIC NMR NMR in Inorganic Structural Biology. Grant agreement ID: 504391

SPINE Structural Proteomics in Europe. Grant agreement ID: QLG2-CT-2002-00988

FESP Forum for European Structural Proteomics. Grant agreement ID: 18750 

ORTHO AND PARA WATER Adventure with nuclear spin-isomers: separation, physical chemistry and applications of ortho- and para-water. Grant agreement ID: 5032 

VIAV Very innovative AIDS vaccine. Grant agreement ID: 12188 

HSFFC NMR  High sensitivity fast field cycling NMR  Grant agreement ID: HPRI-CT-2001-50028

POST-GENOMIC NMR Nmr structural biology in life sciences in the post-genomic era. Grant agreement ID: HPRI-CT-1999-40005 

CAPILLARY NMR Coupling of capillary separation techniques with high field NMR. Grant agreement ID: HPRI-CT-1999-50018

FIND-STRUCTURE Fast interpretation of NMR data for structural and functional analysis of proteins. Grant agreement ID: QLG2-CT-1999-01003

TRANSIENT NMR NMR tools for the study of transient intermediates in biomolecular processes.  Grant agreement ID: HPRI-CT-1999-50006

METALBIOREDUCTION Development of technologies using the activity of sulphate and metal 1-reducing bacteria (SMRB) to remove heavy metals and metalloids from ground waters and soils.  Grant agreement ID: EVK1-CT-1999-00033

CROSS CORRELATION Cross correlation between the fluctuations of different interactions: a new avenue for biomolecular NMR.  Grant agreement ID: HPRN-CT-2000-00092

FLOW-CELL CRYOPROBES Development of dedicated flow cells for 800 MHz and 600 MHz cryoprobes to measure small amounts or samples of low concentrations. Grant agreement ID: HPRI-CT-2001-50026

ESBF The European structural biology forum.  Grant agreement ID: HPRI-CT-2000-40024

Field cycling NMR relaxometry

Development of NMR Instrumentation and Software to Achieve Excitation and Detection of Large Bandwidths and Dipolar Couplings in High Resolution Spectra at High-Field

Sustainable water management: application of the advanced bioremediation techniques for efficient treatment of industrial waste waters

Folding structure and activity of engineered metalloproteins at high resolution