




Roberta Pierattelli Speaker Emerging Topics in Biomolecular NMR 26 November, 2020 online
Enrico Luchinat Speaker Instruct-ULTRA General Assembly 26 November, 2020 online
Lucia Banci Speaker International On-line Bioinorganic Symposium (IOBS) 2020 11-12 November 2020 online
Enrico Luchinat Speaker/awardee Under 35 GIDRM Award, 5th ed. 30 Otober 2020 online
Isabella Felli Speaker NJACS Virtual NMR Symposium 2020 20 October 2020 online
Enrico Luchinat Speaker Biophysical Society Virtual Networking Event "Magnetic Resonance meets the future of biophysics" 25 September 2020 online
Isabella  Felli Speaker ICONS2020 28 August 2020 online
Enrico Ravera Speaker Virtual EPR meeting 31 July 2020 online
Enrico Ravera Speaker XXII Turin NMR School 20-23 July 2020 online
Paola Turano Speaker NMR School – Advanced NMR, GIDRM/Università di Torino 20-23 July 2020 online
Isabella  Felli Speaker CCPN Conference 2020 16-17 July 2020 online
Enrico Ravera Speaker ICMRBS ECR webinar 14 July 2020 online
Giacomo Parigi Speaker European Network on NMR Relaxometry 11 June 2020 online
Giacomo Parigi Speaker 61st ENC 8-13 March 2020 Baltimora, USA

Roberta Pierattelli


Ultra-High Field NMR symposium

25-26 February 2020

Rehovot, Israel

Lucia Banci Plenary speaker 26th NMRS Conference 18-21 February 2020 Rajkot, India
Giacomo Parigi Speaker 3rd Workshop on NMR and MRI relaxometry in chemistry and bio-medicine 17-18 February 2020 Tallin, Estonia
Enrico Ravera Speaker/instructor 2nd WORKSHOP ON BioNMR  27 January - 2 February 2020  São José do Rio Preto, Brasil
Antonio Rosato Speaker CCP4 Study Weekend 2020 7-9 January, 2020 Nottingham, United Kingdom