A list of conferences in 2024 that may be of interest







early bird regular late
GIDRM National Conference 2024 4-6 September, Firenze 31st May    7 July  
48th FEBS 2024 29 June - 3 July, Milano 20th May    31st May  21st June
EUROMAR 2024 30 June-4 July, Bilbao (Spain) 1st June 26 April 27 June  From June 28
XXVIII National Congress of
Società Chimica Italiana - SCI 2024
26 - 30 August, Milano 15 April 31 March  30 June  30 August
ICMRBS 2024  18 - 23 August, Seoul (Korea)  12 May 31 May    
EMBO Practical Course
Membrane protein expression, purification, and characterisation 3 (mPEPC3)
9-16 September, Hamburg (Germany)     17 June